o el BN ETET RS ELENE LT O OmarNajam Anakin is it possible to learn this power Palpatine grins not from a Jedi W alle R WARVISISRSTqS1p TR SINISREICHSE el T EY EE dallale community where you can learnand Tl VS lolelU T ainlIn e M ET A o months of Skillshare Premium for free WiaKeleUolosNolole SRUST Sl I SVAY
HISTORY HUSTLE Max Planck was told by a professor not to go into Physics because almost everything is EUCE GV VTG R R G EIRTERG VAT Planck who said he didnt want to discover EGID S CR TR QTEW COROEEETGRG T NG ETENT e R GET R O R O E quantum theory and win a Nobel Prize
Anthony Miller
Joe Biden JoeBiden Jan 20 Its a new day in America 109K 10 549K QO am i Vaush VaushV Jan 20 That happens every 24 hours moron O 716 017K Q 37K i Q Joe Biden JoeBiden Jan 20
lee denure
A WOMANS POEM He didnt like the casserole and he didnt like my cake He said my biscuits were too a not like his mgtfcr used to make didnt make the coffee right he didnt like my stew 1didnt fold his pants LGERIEAL T TG CI VL R o pondered for an answer was looking for a clue Then turned around and HNECERGUE LR like his mother used to do oy oot
lee denure
left my car in a car park the other day when came bac to it the bumper and LCET VR ET RN smashed up Then found this note Vo IR RV It said just reversed into your car lots of people saw me do it they think Im leaving my name and details Well m not
lee denure
Ive just pulled up on the L TN RN 1 thieving bastard run out of our back door and jump over the fence Keep Calen And Oh Feck It Enjoy Some Craic The wife must have put up a bloody good fight thougi Shes half naked drenched in sweat and L ELG VA VT AV Y
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