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Ethics in Bricks EthicsInBricks THE 7 SECRETS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE 1 Private school R WT F To VA AVAE Te g ETTTo gl 3 Nepotism hire AT Te Ner Toll 1 R dde o I 2 1011 5 Family network 6 Personal assistance 7 Strong belief theyre self made CRCICI W1 WO I AYUT 1024 N AV 1 o T o T 1 o To g 2

Ethics in Bricks EthicsInBricks THE 7 SECRETS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE 1 Private school R WT F To VA AVAE Te g ETTTo gl 3 Nepotism hire AT Te Ner Toll 1 R dde o I 2 1011 5 Family network 6 Personal assistance 7 Strong belief theyre self made CRCICI W1 WO I AYUT 1024 N AV 1 o T o T 1 o To g 2

avatar Agni Gauss
BILLIONARIRES DONT EARN THEIR WEALTH There are two ways to become a billionaire 1 Inherit it 44 of all billionaires 2 Cold blooded merciless exploitation of the working class If you make 156k a year triple the US median income it would take you 6410 years to earn a billion dollars If you make the federal minimum wage itd take you almost 70000 years A billionaire is not working 70000 times harder t

BILLIONARIRES DONT EARN THEIR WEALTH There are two ways to become a billionaire 1 Inherit it 44 of all billionaires 2 Cold blooded merciless exploitation of the working class If you make 156k a year triple the US median income it would take you 6410 years to earn a billion dollars If you make the federal minimum wage itd take you almost 70000 years A billionaire is not working 70000 times harder t

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Hows your state handling the pandemic so far My state

Hows your state handling the pandemic so far My state

avatar Jacob Junior
A February 22nd 2022 2222022 falls o1 IE W IVIETTo EEWVASTORWIERWT I M oSWT o SR oo 11 it 2s day which is really keeping me going

A February 22nd 2022 2222022 falls o1 IE W IVIETTo EEWVASTORWIERWT I M oSWT o SR oo 11 it 2s day which is really keeping me going

avatar Olivia Veqqie
avatar Olivia Veqqie
math prof mathematicsprof Quote by a forest ranger at Yosemite National Park on why it is hard to design the perfect garbage bin to keep bears from breaking into it There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists

math prof mathematicsprof Quote by a forest ranger at Yosemite National Park on why it is hard to design the perfect garbage bin to keep bears from breaking into it There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists

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