avatar Isabella Lewis
Flick Frediculous The amount of money theyre saying some colleges will lose if they dont have a football season is showing that theyre not even really colleges Theyre just football programs that teach classes as a side hustle 859 AM 81120 Twitter for Android 2495 Retweets and comments 6442 Likes

Flick Frediculous The amount of money theyre saying some colleges will lose if they dont have a football season is showing that theyre not even really colleges Theyre just football programs that teach classes as a side hustle 859 AM 81120 Twitter for Android 2495 Retweets and comments 6442 Likes

avatar Jacob Junior
A paramedic took this photo ot a doctor who stepped outside to cry after losing a 19 year old patient Minutes later the doctor walked back with his head high ready to work again

A paramedic took this photo ot a doctor who stepped outside to cry after losing a 19 year old patient Minutes later the doctor walked back with his head high ready to work again

avatar Patricia Lee
Aquinass LordeGunderstan 2d w 1 would like to thank tropoFarmer for giving me permission to use their NFTs OR7 1 6o Q a0 tropoFarmer tropoFarmer IV TR GRCIRCIG eV RS dont you dare 753 PM 102521 Twitter for Android

Aquinass LordeGunderstan 2d w 1 would like to thank tropoFarmer for giving me permission to use their NFTs OR7 1 6o Q a0 tropoFarmer tropoFarmer IV TR GRCIRCIG eV RS dont you dare 753 PM 102521 Twitter for Android

avatar ROFL
ненавижу тебя настолько что печатаю тебе это средним пальцем Т6 РЕЗЗМИСО

ненавижу тебя настолько что печатаю тебе это средним пальцем Т6 РЕЗЗМИСО

avatar Gaie Houston
lex 1 itsalexisslove cheating is not bound to happen ive oS VERISAYEETESR Talo NplolelplelN g V T ever thought hey i wonder what itd be like to go outside of my relationship and destroy a persons self esteem and ability to trust

lex 1 itsalexisslove cheating is not bound to happen ive oS VERISAYEETESR Talo NplolelplelN g V T ever thought hey i wonder what itd be like to go outside of my relationship and destroy a persons self esteem and ability to trust

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Юлия Цепляева директор Центра макроэкономических исследований Сбербанка Мне очень жалко людей которые покупают доллар по 35 рублей Они просто потеряют свои деньги 310114

Юлия Цепляева директор Центра макроэкономических исследований Сбербанка Мне очень жалко людей которые покупают доллар по 35 рублей Они просто потеряют свои деньги 310114

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