Isabella Lewis
Flick Frediculous The amount of money theyre saying some colleges will lose if they dont have a football season is showing that theyre not even really colleges Theyre just football programs that teach classes as a side hustle 859 AM 81120 Twitter for Android 2495 Retweets and comments 6442 Likes
Jacob Junior
A paramedic took this photo ot a doctor who stepped outside to cry after losing a 19 year old patient Minutes later the doctor walked back with his head high ready to work again
Patricia Lee
Aquinass LordeGunderstan 2d w 1 would like to thank tropoFarmer for giving me permission to use their NFTs OR7 1 6o Q a0 tropoFarmer tropoFarmer IV TR GRCIRCIG eV RS dont you dare 753 PM 102521 Twitter for Android
Gaie Houston