John Paul
Free men do not ask permission to bear arms Thomas Jefferson
John Paul
The teacher asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up Little Johnny I wanna be a billionaire go to expensive clubs find a bitch there buy her a million dollar apartment in Vegas buy her a Ferrari and a beach front house in Malibu buy her a private jet and expensive jewelry and screw her 3 5 times a day The teacher was at a loss for words and didnt know what to say or do so she just p
Mr. Habekott
DIALEVCESETNE TV A lsge BVl EETaETe Texas got rid of their COVID 19 restrictions about 18 days ago and their COVID numbers have been feleoelale RelelaR ATl NS JU ale R teleNaaUlela oe o olToINEIRp RITaTe S oo T d oTe o removed from Twitter but think that is an important fact to share BIEYAY eIV e aKelolalelVSieTatH
Mr. Habekott