avatar Gaie Houston
From THE PoINT OF VIiEW oF Ao Car This is my Man T am not afraid of him He is very strong for he eats a great deal he is an Eater of All Things What are you eating Give me some He is not beautiful for he has no fur Not having enough saliva he has to wash himself with water He meows in a harsh voice and a great deal more than necessary Sometimes in his sleep he purrs Let me out 1 dont know how he h

From THE PoINT OF VIiEW oF Ao Car This is my Man T am not afraid of him He is very strong for he eats a great deal he is an Eater of All Things What are you eating Give me some He is not beautiful for he has no fur Not having enough saliva he has to wash himself with water He meows in a harsh voice and a great deal more than necessary Sometimes in his sleep he purrs Let me out 1 dont know how he h

avatar Agni Gauss


avatar Zoe ZZZ
i 1 TII1E WannaNetilixiandChill Yogd f B A Vmvouknow IIlIIIISnIlSIIIIJ crumlwroll P k n nnnlei 4 n i

i 1 TII1E WannaNetilixiandChill Yogd f B A Vmvouknow IIlIIIISnIlSIIIIJ crumlwroll P k n nnnlei 4 n i

avatar Charlie Chocolate
IfI If you discriminate return the against or criticizel favor its called you its called M Persecution Religious Freedom

IfI If you discriminate return the against or criticizel favor its called you its called M Persecution Religious Freedom

avatar Agni Gauss
We dont do charity in Germany We pay taxes Charity v SO ITEG governments f v responsibilities Henning Wehn

We dont do charity in Germany We pay taxes Charity v SO ITEG governments f v responsibilities Henning Wehn

avatar Joseph Mitchell
HOW TO AVOID TAX LEGALLY Company x based in the us wants to Avoid Paying Tax on their earnings They do this by setting up INCORPORAfION company called Y in the Cayman Islands where there is zero tax Company Y cleverly owns the Intellectual Property IP wo X makes 50BN after expenses but they dont want to pay the tax on their profit Since Y is still owed money for licensing the IP out X must now pay

HOW TO AVOID TAX LEGALLY Company x based in the us wants to Avoid Paying Tax on their earnings They do this by setting up INCORPORAfION company called Y in the Cayman Islands where there is zero tax Company Y cleverly owns the Intellectual Property IP wo X makes 50BN after expenses but they dont want to pay the tax on their profit Since Y is still owed money for licensing the IP out X must now pay

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