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g Christmas in heaven 5 what do they do They come down locarth fo spend it with you So save them a seat just one cmpty chau 4 You may not see them but they will be there

g Christmas in heaven 5 what do they do They come down locarth fo spend it with you So save them a seat just one cmpty chau 4 You may not see them but they will be there

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SEELRRGIEY QREELINGUTETL VAAUYI X elelleaiqeli e oe Iale A 2eTeRIF Ta ER Sometimes think shes acting out or purpose Dont know why shes trying to drive me away but Im not going to budgeIll love her through this This i QIR ale Kol i ClaYVle VA o X0 ETggETelT olToloSXe olaRAVE TN R E1 LS Elololld 42418 901 AM Pop Tarts PopTartsUS Some marriages arent worth saving f

SEELRRGIEY QREELINGUTETL VAAUYI X elelleaiqeli e oe Iale A 2eTeRIF Ta ER Sometimes think shes acting out or purpose Dont know why shes trying to drive me away but Im not going to budgeIll love her through this This i QIR ale Kol i ClaYVle VA o X0 ETggETelT olToloSXe olaRAVE TN R E1 LS Elololld 42418 901 AM Pop Tarts PopTartsUS Some marriages arent worth saving f

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avatar Wildone2
Me dating at 23 Bs CElCETo VAo EluTe Xoij my friends so that would be weird Me dating at 33 l found 2 bodies in the basement which is a bit weird but we have ElaatVAlaleRelalTaalSdaYA

Me dating at 23 Bs CElCETo VAo EluTe Xoij my friends so that would be weird Me dating at 33 l found 2 bodies in the basement which is a bit weird but we have ElaatVAlaleRelalTaalSdaYA

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4 tsunami everythingtaj_ Men really will only answer one question at atime itll be the most irrelevant one Me so you really fucked that bitch bought her a sprite Man nobody even got a sprite

4 tsunami everythingtaj_ Men really will only answer one question at atime itll be the most irrelevant one Me so you really fucked that bitch bought her a sprite Man nobody even got a sprite

avatar Wildone2
A married couple never fought not even once in 25 years of marriage A friend of the couple asked How is that even possible Husband replied Well we went to a ranch for our honeymoon While horse riding my wifes horse jumped and my wife fell off She got up and patted the horse and said This is your first time After a while it happened again and she said This is your second time And when it happened t

A married couple never fought not even once in 25 years of marriage A friend of the couple asked How is that even possible Husband replied Well we went to a ranch for our honeymoon While horse riding my wifes horse jumped and my wife fell off She got up and patted the horse and said This is your first time After a while it happened again and she said This is your second time And when it happened t

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