Meme Lord 5000
GWAR on Christmas TR wanderella DID YOU KNOW the internet was once a fun place for watching badger videos instead of monitoring humanitys real time collapse 05 PM 12 De Tarenees 185tk W HEBH SRS PGO Qs 3 Q 185 8 mee meclurel11 4h Replying to wonderells 8eigemoth Hlooks out over the ruined expanse of what was once her home whispers with tears in her eyes mushroom mushroom Q nu2 Qo
Meme Lord 5000
Demolicious v gale i fea e it simply tickles me pink how after tens of millions of years ol goTelo o LR N VER oM T g M aToY to chew in favor of slamdunking the buttfucking brains out of everything
Meme Lord 5000