HERES TO ALL THE MEN who paid for a dinner that no one was greatful for who didnt know if theyd make it to pay day who are trying their best to be a good man in a society that devalues men who lost their patience multiple times a day because they see their life passing with their dreams still in their chest who never hear Im proud of you because those are important words to a man who work long hou
Mark Manson
did you know In 1943 Soren Poulsen found a T T L NIV ET T T T R GET It R NI CRERVE T RTeTa T o CR 1141 G NG Y 2RV TRV ET L To CENEET Te IS T R N WIELT R o Te S g T LU R RV ORTe R 3 TR TTeh now a popular attraction at Lake Klejtrup in Denmark
Charlie Chocolate
Nicole Arbour VMRS NicoleArbour You know who WASNT on the Epstein flight logs This guy Excellent 732 PM 06 Aug 20 Twitter for iPhaone
John Paul
o b e 3 A Asher I may not look sporty but my doctor tells me that I have an athletes foot
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