When asked my wife what should get her father a retired literature prof for xmas she said just buy him one of the classics so he can stop assuming Im uneducated can not wait T ONCE GET MY SHIT T 5 ForLUNCH A VER LETME Take Toiggj gczes WILD FUCKING GUESS
Charlie Chocolate
Bradley Eversley ForeverE 2h Q Holy Shit Elon Musk just popped into a Twitter Spaces chat with a bunch of journalists He was called out by journalist Drew Harrell who he banned for lying about posting links to his private information then leaves almost immediately after being pressed Here is the exchange w L N Katie Joan Elon BenC I T R e e e JuddL BenS Elonlet Drew Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker
Patricia Lee
Olivia Veqqie
Wow Check out this picture one of my customers sent Ifunny loves bigfoot and aliens Etsy PlazmametalworksUS
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