Q S GEL T Posted o AVVASEV T o VAN qTo 22 WA I I R g L EIEE M E I CEERI 1L N o VA R 11 friends 4 690k 130k Share SINGLE COMMENT THREAD VIEW ALL TEITE Nl Q 9 KAWATEIGE PN CIR QEEAEVRY e o ETol R Ve g I Ye U o s o101 4 phone here Reply 4 563k Q V__lo_ol__V 6h 4 Awards Bonus point if you take a picture of their phone on your kitchen table before they leave and send it with the text 409k
Olivia Veqqie
Charlie Chocolate
Kabul Afganistan 1972 Kabul Afganistan 2013
Jacob Junior
asiya ossiyuh my little brother whos almost deaf admitted to the whole family that he will jus turn off his hearing aids when he doesnt want to hear us like he b getting yelled at and this boy will simply mute the haters i think hes a king for that
Mark Manson
MAN EDITS A WIKIPEDIA PAGE TO GET BACKSTAGE FOR A SHOW Peking Duk B3 Liked MusicianBand 138010 Likes 21 hrs last night someone edited our wikipedia page to say he was our family showed security at our show got into the green room and had a beer with the boys Spargo you legend nts 210 Shares 7 3463 people like this 80 shares Write a comment David Duey Spargo Thanks for the evening lads Like Reply 7
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