Gaie Houston
i love that bands still pretend to leave before their encore like ST TE o ToTo R oTo V11
A man named Laszlo Polgar developed a method to raise child prodigies He wrote a book on it married a language teacher and they raised two of the 11 VLS G EIEE EEEG IE LG I ER G R G LR 223 comments o Oh yeah well my dads raising a grand ol at wizard so jokes on him iEnjoyLargeASSassinns 18h 1k o8 Yea except intelligence is literally over 70 genetic Smart guy marries a smart girl and has smart kids
Agni Gauss
Louis Rossmann 1 day ago Should this be a cockring repair channel or a macbook repair channel E D Macbook repair channel 19 58K votes 5 29k GP E 998
Jeremy Jordan
lillamolntuss Follow 7Jun i heard in america a baby child cannot have water at mcdonalds only soda naanviolent Follow 27 Jun
Isabella Lewis