avatar Agni Gauss
i My mom brrled drug elelelldjlely foTate MaatTal o M gTE her ennre lifefShe Inmorely dled of it She was purposefullyvope Jln ollerwork about the social sngris surroundlng rhese diseases She talked o oTeV Jrheslgome l ggirmenrs people and their families confronred SRS diseases know my 2 THTE V B E R Mom shed want her deorh fo encourage o1TeTeS fo be open about their srruggles Seek help fight o gov

i My mom brrled drug elelelldjlely foTate MaatTal o M gTE her ennre lifefShe Inmorely dled of it She was purposefullyvope Jln ollerwork about the social sngris surroundlng rhese diseases She talked o oTeV Jrheslgome l ggirmenrs people and their families confronred SRS diseases know my 2 THTE V B E R Mom shed want her deorh fo encourage o1TeTeS fo be open about their srruggles Seek help fight o gov

avatar Agni Gauss
Fifty Shades of Whey davenewworld_2 Derek Chauvin underreported half a million dollars in income while owing 20000 in taxes and then fucking murdered George Floyd over an alleged 20 counterfeit bill Bury him under the prison

Fifty Shades of Whey davenewworld_2 Derek Chauvin underreported half a million dollars in income while owing 20000 in taxes and then fucking murdered George Floyd over an alleged 20 counterfeit bill Bury him under the prison

avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Agni Gauss
0920 all T Tweet 7m CONCEPTUAL KNK AnnieKNK 1d a e laigSTale RN ol ETal e Tol MaalI CISEYo M N oJoe 1 some predator mites to eat the original mites and they didnt do it so now he just has two species of mites and hes upset with me for having no sympathy Q 94 M 570 221k D i Eve Forster ilf ISR e 1g Replying to AnnieKNK UlgleSTsTeXelifelbpalS IglelTSRS ololU fo Mal ol NVAT IR o1 R R II oIS olo STER

0920 all T Tweet 7m CONCEPTUAL KNK AnnieKNK 1d a e laigSTale RN ol ETal e Tol MaalI CISEYo M N oJoe 1 some predator mites to eat the original mites and they didnt do it so now he just has two species of mites and hes upset with me for having no sympathy Q 94 M 570 221k D i Eve Forster ilf ISR e 1g Replying to AnnieKNK UlgleSTsTeXelifelbpalS IglelTSRS ololU fo Mal ol NVAT IR o1 R R II oIS olo STER

avatar jojo9


avatar Agni Gauss
It took me a few seconds to realise this wasnt a gorilla walking on the beach

It took me a few seconds to realise this wasnt a gorilla walking on the beach

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