If every black person went and bought an AR 15 tomorrow theyd be banned by the end of the week Q 34 t1las Q 284 UR a Smart Ass Carl S cleflore23 Replying to Bruddalones originalspin EyesOnTheRight Im black and Ive been buying AR 15s for the last 4 years Last I checked only liberals have been trying to stop me from buying them
Charlie Chocolate
Yepublicans lre Say Yes If you love this picture
John Paul
Spike Cohen RealSpikeCohen Its really simple folks In order to stop this new variant we have to do the things that have I CEYA T T s o CWe e AVETSETa 653 RSN VIS e oM TaMa T e TR RIS time so even more people suffer as it fails again If that makes no sense to you youre a bad person 327 AM 112921 Twitter for Android
Jacob Junior
Isabella Lewis
Sports 12 Ricky Williams blames pot for his failed drug tests I got high and forgot I wasnt supposed to get high memeguy com This quote will go down in history
Patricia Lee
M K Lobb mk_lobb It has come to my attention that el lNeiYelVielelala dl g le A 11 English teacher in high school was my own father on the first day of classes he said want Yo IVIE 1 R e N o le A Mg KelalY sleeping with one 1 of your mothers this is my villain origin S11egY
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