avatar Agni Gauss
In case youre having a bad day heres a raccoon sharing his art with you Hes very proud of it and wants to know what you think

In case youre having a bad day heres a raccoon sharing his art with you Hes very proud of it and wants to know what you think

avatar Gaie Houston
Twitter Public Policy AglcY To el fig U B e Talo g K Toi 0 were hearing reports that Internet SaViolRo oVile STESFFTW o 1 gle No o 0 o o o0l leToi1 NanlcTe Tnle HpglttstTo gTe apps We strongly condemn internet shutdowns they are hugely g aa V MVTe 1 R o ol a1 pa Ta W e 5 Elale RialNelialelo NI RT3 E Openinternet 71 Brick finduDind y dont like bemg banned twitter ELCRC eI T Te ETaTe o Brick 480 45K

Twitter Public Policy AglcY To el fig U B e Talo g K Toi 0 were hearing reports that Internet SaViolRo oVile STESFFTW o 1 gle No o 0 o o o0l leToi1 NanlcTe Tnle HpglttstTo gTe apps We strongly condemn internet shutdowns they are hugely g aa V MVTe 1 R o ol a1 pa Ta W e 5 Elale RialNelialelo NI RT3 E Openinternet 71 Brick finduDind y dont like bemg banned twitter ELCRC eI T Te ETaTe o Brick 480 45K

avatar jojo9
WHEN PEOPLE SEE A RAVEN Ol Eww a raven grandma says its a hl sign WHEN SEE A RAVEN Muninn good to see you did the Allfather send you

WHEN PEOPLE SEE A RAVEN Ol Eww a raven grandma says its a hl sign WHEN SEE A RAVEN Muninn good to see you did the Allfather send you

avatar jojo9
Whats the dumbest thing you believed as a child When was a pre schooler my mom told me that you werent allowed to ride a motorcycle or get tattoos unless your mother was dead One day outside the grocery store saw a big tough looking dude covered in tats straddling the loudest motorcycle ever Damned it 5 year old me didnt go up to him and ask Hey Is your mom dead Dude looked at me and said Yeah And

Whats the dumbest thing you believed as a child When was a pre schooler my mom told me that you werent allowed to ride a motorcycle or get tattoos unless your mother was dead One day outside the grocery store saw a big tough looking dude covered in tats straddling the loudest motorcycle ever Damned it 5 year old me didnt go up to him and ask Hey Is your mom dead Dude looked at me and said Yeah And

avatar Agni Gauss
Finally some good news Man makes sweaters of places and takes photos of himself wearing the sweaters at those places Danaerous Mind

Finally some good news Man makes sweaters of places and takes photos of himself wearing the sweaters at those places Danaerous Mind

avatar jojo9
The US military spends over 20 billion a year on air conditioning for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan thats as much as NASAs entire yearly budget

The US military spends over 20 billion a year on air conditioning for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan thats as much as NASAs entire yearly budget

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