Charlie Chocolate
Isnt it convenient this Ukrainian war starts exactly when its needed to distract us all from the Democrats failures at election time Trudeaus Tyranny on his own people Hillary Clintons Treason the collapse of the Covid Narrative shall go on They wanted this war all of them They have been drooling waiting for this to happen This distraction is their only hope of holding on
Jacob Junior
At this point the UN and NATO need to begin negotiations to join Ukraine 11 Vaush Retweeted BN BNO NEVEK NEWS BNONews Ukrainian President Zelenskiy VG E e oA M U RSN To V T dR o evacuate Kyiv saying l need ammunition not a ride AP 1142 PM 25 Feb 22 TweetDeck 116K Retweets 2692 Quote Tweets P NC QRIEE
Mark Manson
Imagine a kirwg fightshis own battles Wouldnt that be a sight Volodymyr has entered the chat