Its an early death notice Poor and elderly tenants forced from apartments to house migrants in German town of Lorrach Approximately 40 tenants are being threatened with forced relocation but experts say the citys housing association has no legal ground for the brazen move
Patricia Lee
tllaclau 0o BREATHWILD
John Paul
This should be easy to understand work This person took his part but it affected others negatively He exercised his freedom but with an injustice to others Freedoms cant be exercised as every individual wants without looking at justices to others Justice disappears when you harm others An example of bad exercise of individual freedom
Olivia Veqqie
Pizza rolls in the oven Pizza rolls in the microwave
Jacob Junior
Amazonian love god a mockery of our God say Wakefield Christians Objectors say placement of lifesize statue near citys cathedral is disrespectful but artist says work celebrates love and hope A row has erupted in the cathedral city of Wakefield in West Yorkshire over a disrespectful Amazonian love god statue due to be installed as part of the citys 1m
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