avatar Mark Manson
Jocelyn J Fitzgerald MD ifitzgeraldMD In med school took an elective called Stress foolishly thinking was going to learn about meditation and yoga Instead the professor spent 6 weeks proving that being poor or a minority literally destroys your health on a molecular level and think about that every day

Jocelyn J Fitzgerald MD ifitzgeraldMD In med school took an elective called Stress foolishly thinking was going to learn about meditation and yoga Instead the professor spent 6 weeks proving that being poor or a minority literally destroys your health on a molecular level and think about that every day

avatar Gaie Houston
gentlemanbones I had a rude ass dream last night Some disembodied voice said Hey wanna hear a funny joke Im a fan of jokes and do what voices tell me in my dreams so say Yeah sure Then my 8 AM alarm goes off Prick Source gentlemanbones 30542 notes D g 0

gentlemanbones I had a rude ass dream last night Some disembodied voice said Hey wanna hear a funny joke Im a fan of jokes and do what voices tell me in my dreams so say Yeah sure Then my 8 AM alarm goes off Prick Source gentlemanbones 30542 notes D g 0

avatar Gaie Houston
It may be a little early but Thanksgiving wouldnt be the same WiialelV QT ERNETN FIN In 2016 they went viral when she clolelleSpIEIIVAGC Al Nallna NI eF Te Kol MaleTg real grandson But this year they honor Wandas husband Lonnie who passed from o0V In azfamily

It may be a little early but Thanksgiving wouldnt be the same WiialelV QT ERNETN FIN In 2016 they went viral when she clolelleSpIEIIVAGC Al Nallna NI eF Te Kol MaleTg real grandson But this year they honor Wandas husband Lonnie who passed from o0V In azfamily

avatar Agni Gauss
if you manage to run across this line without falling into any of the adjacent states they let you pee in the white house whenever you want

if you manage to run across this line without falling into any of the adjacent states they let you pee in the white house whenever you want

avatar Olivia Veqqie
cant believe Italians saw thisandmoved o 0 NewJersey o

cant believe Italians saw thisandmoved o 0 NewJersey o

avatar Patricia Lee
Guests are coming Bring out the void comforter

Guests are coming Bring out the void comforter

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