avatar Jacob Junior
Just keep your beliefs to yourself Ok You too

Just keep your beliefs to yourself Ok You too

avatar Agni Gauss
Its weird isnt it that when were taught about Thor and Odin its called Norse mythology But when its about God and Allah its called religion Whats the difference between Thor and Odin and God and Allah Well the difference is that a majority of people on this planet have realized that Thor and Odin dont exist while a minority of us have realized that the two others are also antasy figurcs 1ts sort o

Its weird isnt it that when were taught about Thor and Odin its called Norse mythology But when its about God and Allah its called religion Whats the difference between Thor and Odin and God and Allah Well the difference is that a majority of people on this planet have realized that Thor and Odin dont exist while a minority of us have realized that the two others are also antasy figurcs 1ts sort o

avatar Gaie Houston
Stephen Geiger Stephen_Geiger The IRS is warning Americans that this tax season they must report payments on Venmo PayPal Zelle of over 600 Meanwhile The Pentagon just failed its FIFTH audit in a row as they were unable to account for 61 of their 35 trillion in assets 800 billion annual budget

Stephen Geiger Stephen_Geiger The IRS is warning Americans that this tax season they must report payments on Venmo PayPal Zelle of over 600 Meanwhile The Pentagon just failed its FIFTH audit in a row as they were unable to account for 61 of their 35 trillion in assets 800 billion annual budget

avatar Isabella Lewis
Me watching someone getting Elicld CoRlRipRaelylSs i ailel R ielg ElaRelellallel Wt T AY

Me watching someone getting Elicld CoRlRipRaelylSs i ailel R ielg ElaRelellallel Wt T AY

avatar Anthony Miller
4y Cody AltHistoryHub 8h z There is a non zero percent chance LUEIR IS ETCR A e ET Tl Kanye

4y Cody AltHistoryHub 8h z There is a non zero percent chance LUEIR IS ETCR A e ET Tl Kanye

avatar Zoe ZZZ
Was checking out the guardians 3 trailer and saw something

Was checking out the guardians 3 trailer and saw something

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