avatar Sophia Rich
Kevin Hot Chowder Summer Nenstiel A KLNenstiel oS yTe R telle ToY del te oy TeT 1SR eT o yilg T SR 4 s T 1000 from Walgreens got 309 mainstream news write ups The same company admitting it stole 45 million from its own workers got apparently zero Shoplifting Is Big News Stealing Millions From Workers Is Not IR VRGO Cle R E LR R V dfeTa W B fl s Tel03 s Vel WIS o Ty o stolen but who it is being sto

Kevin Hot Chowder Summer Nenstiel A KLNenstiel oS yTe R telle ToY del te oy TeT 1SR eT o yilg T SR 4 s T 1000 from Walgreens got 309 mainstream news write ups The same company admitting it stole 45 million from its own workers got apparently zero Shoplifting Is Big News Stealing Millions From Workers Is Not IR VRGO Cle R E LR R V dfeTa W B fl s Tel03 s Vel WIS o Ty o stolen but who it is being sto

avatar John Paul
f Nathan W Pyle nathanwpyle based on what see this company has done a very thorough job enmun mmmmns et

f Nathan W Pyle nathanwpyle based on what see this company has done a very thorough job enmun mmmmns et

avatar Mark Manson
Il never forget when took my cat to the vet and they took an ID photo

Il never forget when took my cat to the vet and they took an ID photo

avatar Olivia Veqqie
Omg we had the most heartwarming interaction today in the park Me and the gf walking Theres chalk writing all over the pavement that was a menu for a dirt restaurant Including exciting enticements like dirt is eumy Were reading it like and these two girls maybe 9 or 10 start yelling that they are the owners of the dirt restaurant and do we want to order and we can come see the full menu Which has

Omg we had the most heartwarming interaction today in the park Me and the gf walking Theres chalk writing all over the pavement that was a menu for a dirt restaurant Including exciting enticements like dirt is eumy Were reading it like and these two girls maybe 9 or 10 start yelling that they are the owners of the dirt restaurant and do we want to order and we can come see the full menu Which has

avatar jojo9
Congratulations to Jeff Bezos on becoming an astronaut

Congratulations to Jeff Bezos on becoming an astronaut

avatar John Paul
Feminism is just a long con by the patriarchy to allow men to take their final form as stay at home gamers by convincing women that taking on more responsibility is empowering and liberating

Feminism is just a long con by the patriarchy to allow men to take their final form as stay at home gamers by convincing women that taking on more responsibility is empowering and liberating

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