lan Bucky Mcmillan car 6 mins support peoples choice to street race because its a victimless crime i Like J Comment You and 1 other 5 Rob Fujisan 7 Until they t bone a family van full of kids kil ng the entire family 4m Like Reply lan Bucky Mcmillan Thats street crashing which am very against
Agni Gauss
People over forty can fseldom be permanently convinced of anything At eighteen our convictions are hills from which we look at forty five they are caves in which we hide F Scott Fitzgerald
Agni Gauss
Agni Gauss
This man was stung seven times by murder hornets while trying to save Vancouver Islands honeybees f DL The pain was like red hot thumbtacks Chris Dart CBC Posted March 31 2021 Last Updated April 02 2021 Preparing for Battle Against Murder Hornets 5 days ago 055 c Nanaimo beekeeper Conrad Berube talks about what he brought with him to take on a hive of murder hornets 055
Agni Gauss
Tucker Carlson says his interview with Rep Matt Gaetz about the DOJs investigation into the lawmaker was one of the weirdest interviews lve ever conducted Sonam Sheth Viar 3020211006 PM 000 g I REP GAETZ RESPONDS TO SEX TRAFFICKING ALLEGATIONS
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