lan Haworth IFpEWeTauy VG REIECTalaaIVE ol 3 T al R oM o VIVA 40b stake in Twitter Democrats havent been this upset about an AT gler TaWANealTalez TaWeVal aT Wel el o1a4Y since the 60s
Isabella Lewis
Charlie Chocolate
4 Jen Silverman _Jen_Silverman 0 Alll have ever wanted from a yogurt is to know who the cows are Tesk Roza 2941 TOP EARNING TWITCH S Notice how they named all the cows traditionally girl names There is a deep connection between misogyny and consuming animals Connor Bax o bax_connor Replying to StRoseCherry and _Jen_Silverman feel like yogurt from a bull wouldnt taste quite right
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