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Lindsay Rollinintheseat Interviewer Are you good at staying calm in stressful situations Me Im not good at staying calmin relaxing situations

Lindsay Rollinintheseat Interviewer Are you good at staying calm in stressful situations Me Im not good at staying calmin relaxing situations

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Jesus is back and hes not cruci fuckin around A A Ry P

Jesus is back and hes not cruci fuckin around A A Ry P

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get that native Americans are upset get it That being said this country would NOT be what it is today if the actions of our past were not taken What do you mean by that They mean Native Americans should feel grateful that 90 of their population was exterminated because the remaining 10 get to live in poverty on reservations while everyone else gets to enjoy Starbucks and Amazon Prime and pretend o

get that native Americans are upset get it That being said this country would NOT be what it is today if the actions of our past were not taken What do you mean by that They mean Native Americans should feel grateful that 90 of their population was exterminated because the remaining 10 get to live in poverty on reservations while everyone else gets to enjoy Starbucks and Amazon Prime and pretend o

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Jennifer Leigh Ryan is the 10th person to be sentenced to jail or prison out of the more than 650 charged in the Jan 6 riot AP Updated 2 minutes ago After flaunting her participation in the Capitol riot authorities said Jennifer Leigh Ryan bragged she was not going to jail because she is white and has blond hair

Jennifer Leigh Ryan is the 10th person to be sentenced to jail or prison out of the more than 650 charged in the Jan 6 riot AP Updated 2 minutes ago After flaunting her participation in the Capitol riot authorities said Jennifer Leigh Ryan bragged she was not going to jail because she is white and has blond hair

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TriggeredConservatives ZEUEVEVOT R i1l i YO Ive never seen a more American headline in my life it The Hill thehill 1d After white students displayed Confederate flag Y aTel s ToTo M 21 FoTel S HNTe T TRV S ol YgTo Te i o SIETTtTaT Reltel i dl a1l RelyaVAS 2

TriggeredConservatives ZEUEVEVOT R i1l i YO Ive never seen a more American headline in my life it The Hill thehill 1d After white students displayed Confederate flag Y aTel s ToTo M 21 FoTel S HNTe T TRV S ol YgTo Te i o SIETTtTaT Reltel i dl a1l RelyaVAS 2

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TriggeredConservatives Mikel Jollett sy Mikel Jollett Its so weird when voters are like Democrats cant clean up the horrific mess ReCTolU oliferTats Mg F Te SR F Y i TaoUF1g so we should elect more Republicans

TriggeredConservatives Mikel Jollett sy Mikel Jollett Its so weird when voters are like Democrats cant clean up the horrific mess ReCTolU oliferTats Mg F Te SR F Y i TaoUF1g so we should elect more Republicans

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