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Liziwe LiziweN_ My friend just said to me Sometimes you have to make peace with the fact that you are the villain in someone elses story even if you thought you were doing the right thing You dont get to tell them how to narrate their experience A word

Liziwe LiziweN_ My friend just said to me Sometimes you have to make peace with the fact that you are the villain in someone elses story even if you thought you were doing the right thing You dont get to tell them how to narrate their experience A word

avatar Agni Gauss
My ancestors navigated the ocean using the stars Im over here missing my exits w a GPS

My ancestors navigated the ocean using the stars Im over here missing my exits w a GPS

avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Agni Gauss
Plague Of Gripes k PlagueOfGripes An apparition appears in your room alongside a more successful looking doppelganger of yourself Apparition and THIS is what you would be Doppelganger Oh my god Spare me these twisted visions specter Ive learned my lesson both vanish You Hey what the fuaf 745 AM 122318 Twitter Web Client

Plague Of Gripes k PlagueOfGripes An apparition appears in your room alongside a more successful looking doppelganger of yourself Apparition and THIS is what you would be Doppelganger Oh my god Spare me these twisted visions specter Ive learned my lesson both vanish You Hey what the fuaf 745 AM 122318 Twitter Web Client

avatar John Paul
Having a teenager is like having a cat that only comes out to eat and hisses if you try to pet it

Having a teenager is like having a cat that only comes out to eat and hisses if you try to pet it

avatar Agni Gauss
Are you ready o order Do you have anything else What do you recommend Qur reconstructed minced Our butgers are great beef filets I comes with a romaine tomato salad on a sesame voll Im feeling something exciting Ill have that We have a fusion chopped Great How would you like wagyv steak bao except your burger cooked the buns are oven baked

Are you ready o order Do you have anything else What do you recommend Qur reconstructed minced Our butgers are great beef filets I comes with a romaine tomato salad on a sesame voll Im feeling something exciting Ill have that We have a fusion chopped Great How would you like wagyv steak bao except your burger cooked the buns are oven baked

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