Astatue of Jesus in India had water mysteriously dripping from its toes Worshipers would collect and sometimes drink it The source of the water was later found to be a clogged toilet near the statue
Anthony Miller
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but have just found a cat In the road it has been hit by a car and has died am looking for its owner so if anyone up highroad well lane or near is missing a black and white cat think its male please could you contact me Or if anyone knows how to dispose of a dead cat not belonging to myself that will also be helpful information thanks in advance o Like J comment
Jeremy Jordan
Tweet Aella Aella_Girl 2h 09le NeTo daNERCIL Y To RN o TTo W ToTo T A o 1 o to make child porn the rarer you make it LN T R A 5 VA 1 f o 110 N I g TN o SIS WY1V o o o leallel o1 leETaW ISR ol 1 i s TN Telo o 01 o T0eE Talo Hbi oTole Ri s NN E TE Gl AN g WA generated freely accessible stuff thats oI EYTo RWY1d g P 2T oM aE Td g I ol o WcTo LM W W7 B O B Toke b Kyle Kashuv CIVIEEE Y REToViTaT 8 oMUV
Patricia Lee
ldid it 1didit built a Pringles ringle No glue just physics
My friend pulling up to Caelid after told him it was an easy area
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