avatar John Paul
Mark _Mark 83 When you compare the size of a gummy worm versus a gummy bear it starts to paint a horrific picture of the gummy universe

Mark _Mark 83 When you compare the size of a gummy worm versus a gummy bear it starts to paint a horrific picture of the gummy universe

avatar Anthony Miller
NEESTERSIIEY QLEL L EINEIEINE 11 years ago was texting a dude Id hooked up with a few times as got CELARGERISVglel oFle g lalN hometown l forget whats your town called again He asked told him One EIGHT HOUR DRIVE later ACEEToJolcE T 1d g VR e ooS1To R WHAT A DUMBASS Anyway were married

NEESTERSIIEY QLEL L EINEIEINE 11 years ago was texting a dude Id hooked up with a few times as got CELARGERISVglel oFle g lalN hometown l forget whats your town called again He asked told him One EIGHT HOUR DRIVE later ACEEToJolcE T 1d g VR e ooS1To R WHAT A DUMBASS Anyway were married

avatar Jacob Junior
can NOT believe my mom just vibe checked my aunt 7 91 Mom Good morning For this years Thanksgiving am asking that we do not invite your Aunt Barbara visited her the other day and really did not like the energy she was projecting We dont need to deal with that again this year Thanks

can NOT believe my mom just vibe checked my aunt 7 91 Mom Good morning For this years Thanksgiving am asking that we do not invite your Aunt Barbara visited her the other day and really did not like the energy she was projecting We dont need to deal with that again this year Thanks

avatar Olivia Veqqie
Z Popcultureangel Wy ive never seen this picture before it feels like a piece of history

Z Popcultureangel Wy ive never seen this picture before it feels like a piece of history

avatar Isabella Lewis
ABlack Lead Am A Joke To You reddir

ABlack Lead Am A Joke To You reddir

avatar Olivia Veqqie
You spend 10 a day on lunch Thats 300 a month Thats 900 in 3 months You CAN afford to TRAVEL But you dont like making sandwiches

You spend 10 a day on lunch Thats 300 a month Thats 900 in 3 months You CAN afford to TRAVEL But you dont like making sandwiches

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