avatar Gaie Houston
Mastadormmm Soma Female coworker of mine was miserable at work one EVAEE T LA ETREERI L T M ER GG R R T anniversary and she knew her husband had forgotten She had pre teen girls at home during summer vacatiol knew her home phone number pre cell phone era called her home phone and one kid picked up Explained to RUEI AR CERVERE N RUE T E EEL ELR G ER IRV and remind him it was Mom and Dads anniversar

Mastadormmm Soma Female coworker of mine was miserable at work one EVAEE T LA ETREERI L T M ER GG R R T anniversary and she knew her husband had forgotten She had pre teen girls at home during summer vacatiol knew her home phone number pre cell phone era called her home phone and one kid picked up Explained to RUEI AR CERVERE N RUE T E EEL ELR G ER IRV and remind him it was Mom and Dads anniversar

avatar Olivia Veqqie
Ren GamelikeEA Ilove the internet metakoala today

Ren GamelikeEA Ilove the internet metakoala today

avatar Isabella Lewis
do alligators like being pet 4 Al Images Videos Shopping News Absolutely Alligators love attention They have a sensitive area towards the rear of their tongue which is why they frequently sit in the sun with their mouths open hoping someone will scratch it 20 comments

do alligators like being pet 4 Al Images Videos Shopping News Absolutely Alligators love attention They have a sensitive area towards the rear of their tongue which is why they frequently sit in the sun with their mouths open hoping someone will scratch it 20 comments

avatar Jacob Junior
merrittk merrittk i Nice post you got there Be a shame if someone interpreted it in the least charitable possible way to make themselves look morally superior 411PM 61221 TweetDeck

merrittk merrittk i Nice post you got there Be a shame if someone interpreted it in the least charitable possible way to make themselves look morally superior 411PM 61221 TweetDeck

avatar Anthony Miller
Robots authorized to kill in SFPD draft policy This is not normal No legal professional or ordinary resident should carry on as if it is normal Discussion missionlocalorg

Robots authorized to kill in SFPD draft policy This is not normal No legal professional or ordinary resident should carry on as if it is normal Discussion missionlocalorg

avatar Jacob Junior
i That s pretty common Wactually I e o Yeahlloads of people o e iKE you i

i That s pretty common Wactually I e o Yeahlloads of people o e iKE you i

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