Gaie Houston
Me Hey France whatcha doin France Maintenance de routine Pas grave Me But it kinda looks like France Matntenance de routmel
Isabella Lewis
Kurt Andersen AU IANE 1 W T 18 o TeTa W eVZT s To TR 1A GU PN SIS is killing Republicans NYelgloladg ETeolTa kN e MNY N T oM I s SR 1o 1 NV Telel 1 rhetoric weve been seeing primarily on right wing media Fox News how harmful has that been IETeleNH I F o o oI Elale ER s EYRN o1 WeleTpslTgTe out This propag cen o 1 think its harmfulI think its ridiculous whats happening c e king heads w1 ve gotten t
Patricia Lee