My friends trying to moan like pornstars while im on the phone with my mom
Isabella Lewis
macleod List of words containing meow meow meowed meowing meows homeowner this post fucked me up
Isabella Lewis
Why You Should Let Me Touch Your Butt A Presentation Here is a list of reasons why you should let me touch your butt It looks incredibly soft would like to verify this For science Butt rubs historically lower stress My hands are as soft as silk
Gaie Houston
Happiness Chemicals How to Hack Them DOPAMINE OXYTOCIN The Reward Chemical _ The Love Hormone Eating Food Socialising Achieving a Goal Physical Touch Complete a Task Petting Animals Self Care Activities Helping Others ENDORPHIN SEROTONIN The Painkiller The Mood Stabilizers Exercising Sun Exposure Listening to Music Mindfullness Watch a Movie Be with Nature Laughter Meditation
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