My sisters dog was at the park and another golden retriever ran up to play after talking to the owner it turns out theyre brothers from the same litter
Anthony Miller
lf M ETEI RO BT REIVITSR EIEIElO N E RN e B If someone sent me 2000 I think Id be 4 less stressed XFT 11186K Q 729 e Neil l NeilBensch 1d SEM N VA CE AR eIV o Rt ELCE i E EES stressed even because Im from South AV gTor 3 Te MolU oIV g T ToAVAT VI STSIR paypalmeneilbensch Q3 e WL a Tim Castleman TimCastleman 1d Im curious what would 20 US get you in Yol Ui AW Niger 4 B il WAL g
Sophia Rich
In 1905 11 year old Frank Epperson accidentally left a wooden stirrer in a glass of soda powder and water on his porch overnight It was a cold night and when Frank went outside the next morning he found his drink frozen like an icicle He liked it and started selling the treat around his neighborhood After X RCE R M EL R R VA RACE R 1 LY PELCYRIAY Il TR oo T R ol Y0t
Patricia Lee
Joseph Mitchell
We live in timeswhere smart people are silenced so that stupid people wont be offended
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