avatar Charlie Chocolate
NERVELRES v LICRERES Whitmer says that every man woman and child would have to smoke about 2500 worth of marijuana per year to fix our roads 253 PM 53019 TweetDeck LEEETEN Ly AN ES Q L Q Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your countr Jobn F Kennedy

NERVELRES v LICRERES Whitmer says that every man woman and child would have to smoke about 2500 worth of marijuana per year to fix our roads 253 PM 53019 TweetDeck LEEETEN Ly AN ES Q L Q Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your countr Jobn F Kennedy

avatar Patricia Lee
Patrick q StBoujee dont care what anyone says Im raising my kids 90s style and they wont get a phone until they turn 16 Oh theyll be made fun of Great Theyll turn out funny

Patrick q StBoujee dont care what anyone says Im raising my kids 90s style and they wont get a phone until they turn 16 Oh theyll be made fun of Great Theyll turn out funny

avatar jojo9
avatar Sophia Rich
Francis Gasparini francisgasparinibskysoci Inside me there are two wolves This is not enough to control the deer population inside me which is degrading the river ecology inside me Im attempting to release more wolves inside me to address this but the ranchers inside me object and

Francis Gasparini francisgasparinibskysoci Inside me there are two wolves This is not enough to control the deer population inside me which is degrading the river ecology inside me Im attempting to release more wolves inside me to address this but the ranchers inside me object and

avatar jojo9
brainstatic nudityandnerdery Remember that time Gandalf convinced the whole party to flee so that he could take out the Balrog and not have to share any of the XP Shows up the next session with fancy new robes and everything What a jerk Best literary analysis ever

brainstatic nudityandnerdery Remember that time Gandalf convinced the whole party to flee so that he could take out the Balrog and not have to share any of the XP Shows up the next session with fancy new robes and everything What a jerk Best literary analysis ever

avatar Sophia Rich
Healosh M Healosh Im not one to exaggerate but having to type stuff out using your TV remote makes me want to shoot myself in the face

Healosh M Healosh Im not one to exaggerate but having to type stuff out using your TV remote makes me want to shoot myself in the face

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