o BN EGENIENI N The US Supreme Court should overturn the Facebooks Oversight Boards ruling which upholds the outlawing of the 45th President of the United States from social media This is a big tech corporate oligarchy without standing and its eeTaI R oToR k10 S o106 A WIS Tqlo0ls LAWe LawCrime CRIME IENInERES The Single Dumbest Legal Take of All Time Charlie Kirk Calls for Supreme Court to Get Tr
This is a S0S call from fellow 9gaggers in ofeeas oI N The police and the army are literally killing us on the streets You can see videos on twitter under the WESNETH ESION ofelel oI EIN S V 1 Tl o S0SColombiaDDH ColombiaEnAlertaRoja Today theres gonna be a huge protest Many aa o Nl AVERNY T o TN ERS sletel il RUERIi g fire arms even assault rifles as you will see in the videos ONU indicated that
Agni Gauss
Go to school Find a job Pay off debt Climb the ladder Vacation for 2 weeks Pay off mortgage Die
Mark Manson
Iey O IcyJaime when like a song i just overdo it
Gaie Houston
LT TR I G TEF G TR the secret to a long life He said You gotta sprinkle a little gunpowder on your L CE TR TR STLITEL LRI live to a nice ripe old age So the cowboy did this religiously every day and sure enough lived to the nice ripe old age of 96 When he died he left behind 4 children 8 grandchildren 15 great grand children and a 16 foot hole in the wall of the crematorium
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