we aologize for the delay the chef is having difficulties with Tonights special The difficulties N y I
Olivia Veqqie
tNYStateOfMind ugeeelectronica 50z 3h R L EEL LR EL L R TR T first try thoughts GENERAL 3 N 4 Shes a big fan of Hello Kitty so added a little something extra 221 Owm w 82
Mark Manson
You break into Area 51 and find these 6 things on a table but you can only take 1 back out with you
Patricia Lee
TODAY Hy son Please tell me how was born 511 pm Well thats a long story son Then tell me in short 512 pm 2 zllge 1 o
Isabella Lewis
hedgehog moss Follow admire English speakers resolute commitment to coining specific vocabulary for every aspect of a cats being Toe beans Cat loaf Primordial pouch Mlem not to be confused with blep remember that list of French words that English lacks like retrouvailles or apprivoiser or esprit de Iescalier but do we have blep Were centuries behind We dont even have the word fluffy atopazpearl Fo
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