O TCREAET 1 Te JTa Wollo R Taga ot de Tetlo Te B ol 0 down to the pond as he hadnt been there for a while and look it over He grabbed a five gallon bucket to bring back some fruit As he neared the pond he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny dipping in his pond He made LUTERNTeTy T I W LR f g TEN oL U TR e Te R U TV U101 oR TR T
Patricia Lee
A person who wontread has NO advantage over one who cant read Mark Twain
Jeremy Jordan
WeleTaR Al oJIITEAVNTa W Tolo I o101 QMo 0l oJ1 E3VCY in WIFI because thats a detectable omnipresence can get behind No matter how much you pray God will never tell you where the best burrito in town is With my God WIFI get an answer in three seconds spoken through the prophet Google and e EINVEETCTo Mo lVAT IR To o Yelp In the name of the modem the router and the holy signal Amen Becca Childs Bec
Joseph Mitchell
MADE TO Sitat the desk 9 5 Come home every night to watch Netflix 2 weeks out of the year Explore the world for only Have zero creativity Have every single aspiration beaten out of them THERE IS nothing MORE TO LIFE
David Atkins DavidOAtkins Elon Musk is trying to buy the conversation Peter Thiel is trying to buy a dictatorship Jeff Bezos is trying to buy the marketplace Mark Zuckerberg is trying to buy our minds Taxing the rich isnt just about helping the poor Its about stopping them from owning everything
Isabella Lewis
shakespork 35 shakespork Follow oo 3 shakespork Follow i love it when youre drinking citrus drinks and you cant feel your tongue and your entire face starts sweating its so cleansing u shakespork Follow my doctor said im allergic to citrus OBO 349553 notes
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