avatar Sophia Rich
pLH ol T Joey Palacios Texas Public Radio loeycules Demonstrators supporting and opposing the Christmas drag show EIRGEWVACToN CEICIT IS EL WAV 1Ty have begun arriving Both sides are armed The far right group claims the show is grooming children Counter protesters are here supporting LGBTQ rights and anti fascism TPRNews Tweet your reply a a o B8

pLH ol T Joey Palacios Texas Public Radio loeycules Demonstrators supporting and opposing the Christmas drag show EIRGEWVACToN CEICIT IS EL WAV 1Ty have begun arriving Both sides are armed The far right group claims the show is grooming children Counter protesters are here supporting LGBTQ rights and anti fascism TPRNews Tweet your reply a a o B8

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Ebenezane Scrooge Voice Miser 4 VoicesByZane Weird Internet Nerds The samurai were men of HONOR and COURAGE Their blades were honed to perfection and could cut through three bodies Actual Samurai the moment they got guns 1244 PM Dec 12 2022

Ebenezane Scrooge Voice Miser 4 VoicesByZane Weird Internet Nerds The samurai were men of HONOR and COURAGE Their blades were honed to perfection and could cut through three bodies Actual Samurai the moment they got guns 1244 PM Dec 12 2022

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Scientists Achieve Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough With Blast of 192 Lasers The advancement by Lawrence Livermore National Laborator hers will be built on to further develop fusion energy research civethisaricle A J507 Readinapp

Scientists Achieve Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough With Blast of 192 Lasers The advancement by Lawrence Livermore National Laborator hers will be built on to further develop fusion energy research civethisaricle A J507 Readinapp

avatar Joseph Mitchell
a Wichael Mackay Twitter has removed the UA two letter country code for Ukraine from two factor authentication Ukraine has disappeared from Elon Musks virtual map of the world The effect of this change is to reduce the presence of pro Ukrainian pro democracy voices on this platform

a Wichael Mackay Twitter has removed the UA two letter country code for Ukraine from two factor authentication Ukraine has disappeared from Elon Musks virtual map of the world The effect of this change is to reduce the presence of pro Ukrainian pro democracy voices on this platform

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Autism Capital AutismCapital Sam Bankman Frieds bail has been DENIED Sam has been remanded to Bahamas prison until Feb 8th Fox Hill prison Bahamas prison is one of top 5 worst prisons in the world 514 PM 121322 Twitter Web App 534 Retweets 278 Quote Tweets 4883 Likes o Q L 4 Autism Capital AutismCapital 1h Replying to AutismCapital From the penthouse to Fox Hill prison This is Shakespearean O a4 0

Autism Capital AutismCapital Sam Bankman Frieds bail has been DENIED Sam has been remanded to Bahamas prison until Feb 8th Fox Hill prison Bahamas prison is one of top 5 worst prisons in the world 514 PM 121322 Twitter Web App 534 Retweets 278 Quote Tweets 4883 Likes o Q L 4 Autism Capital AutismCapital 1h Replying to AutismCapital From the penthouse to Fox Hill prison This is Shakespearean O a4 0

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