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Police killings as a proportion of population Per 10 million people in selected countries us Canada Australia Netherlands New Zealand Germany England and Wales Japan Norway Iceland 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Source Prison Policy Initiative Report 2020 BBC

Police killings as a proportion of population Per 10 million people in selected countries us Canada Australia Netherlands New Zealand Germany England and Wales Japan Norway Iceland 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Source Prison Policy Initiative Report 2020 BBC

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JO l By B Il TS el M talll IS5 0 Tweet Kyle Griffin kylegriffin Ohio health officials experienced their highest vaccination day in three weeks after the state announced its 1 million lottery campaign to encourage vaccinations 1200 PM 18 May 21 TweetDeck 2208 Retweets 540 Quote Tweets 159K Likes O 0 v o R 2021 blobert 5h 8 Replying to kylegriffinT Get vaccinated for your fellow Americans NO WAY THI

JO l By B Il TS el M talll IS5 0 Tweet Kyle Griffin kylegriffin Ohio health officials experienced their highest vaccination day in three weeks after the state announced its 1 million lottery campaign to encourage vaccinations 1200 PM 18 May 21 TweetDeck 2208 Retweets 540 Quote Tweets 159K Likes O 0 v o R 2021 blobert 5h 8 Replying to kylegriffinT Get vaccinated for your fellow Americans NO WAY THI

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avatar Agni Gauss
L Ive carried chalk in my car for 10 months JUST so i could do this once Yesterday was

L Ive carried chalk in my car for 10 months JUST so i could do this once Yesterday was

avatar Agni Gauss
Poorl described plots of movies Rich girl lets poor man freeze to death Boy spends 7 years being a third wheel Abald guy teams up with another bald guy to fight another bald guy 25 oo Americans finally bother o leam a foreign language G taken seriously has to pretend shes a man to be o L Grumpy Emo chick ponders whather o shag 3 corpse or 3 dog over several Leonardo DiCapro wanders a fozen wastela

Poorl described plots of movies Rich girl lets poor man freeze to death Boy spends 7 years being a third wheel Abald guy teams up with another bald guy to fight another bald guy 25 oo Americans finally bother o leam a foreign language G taken seriously has to pretend shes a man to be o L Grumpy Emo chick ponders whather o shag 3 corpse or 3 dog over several Leonardo DiCapro wanders a fozen wastela

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wow How DId You GET IKE EVERY TIME HAT y i die in call of duty SHEN cOMIX made with mematic

wow How DId You GET IKE EVERY TIME HAT y i die in call of duty SHEN cOMIX made with mematic

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