Agni Gauss
PRO TIP When you talk to women always add for a woman atthe end of sentences when you pay them compliments Youre pretty smart fora woman Youre a good driver for a woman They love that Shows respect
Jeremy Jordan
Taking a break from PattinsonMaxxing and changing my pfp for a bit to support a fellow gamer and anti simp Ninja Critikal giga Manlet is currently appeasing Pokimane fat to put an end to the gamer race He must be stopped at all costs Gamers rise up
John Paul
4 New York Post QLAY nypost Disney rethinking Snow White after Peter Dinklage calls out use of dwarves tribalOFfGQr8 340 PM 12522 SocialFlow Hes an
Jeremy Jordan
h Big Pussy Bolsonaro dykesweating what animated character do you look like listen im that bitch from ratatouille 127 comments She could be the fucking rat too
Gaie Houston