Haus am Gleiwitzer Park anon4186 Replying to Liveuamap He BoNHynTECH OOPOrne Ky3eHbl B KneBe CKOPO Knaccuyeckas My3blka OyoeT urpaTb Ha BaLUUX OOLLLEeCTBEHHbIX BeLlaTensax 1 Bbl CHOBa byfeTe eAnHbl C HaMW Translated from Russian by Google Dont worry dear cousins in Kiev soon classical o IVIS TeRVVI W oYW o EVi o VR e T RYo 1V I o1V o Iel ol o Yo oF ISy T ES oo you will be one with us again RO N IR
Charlie Chocolate
You got to let these dudes know your expectations Jennifer 30 Im a single mother of 6 with another on the way Dont hit me up to waste mine or my kids times Im a good mom and my kids will always come first You will pay for the first date and dont expect me to drink with you either have standards wont kiss you until the 5th date so dont ask about that either Please know how to work on cars as l like
Gaie Houston
Mark Manson
m Maxime Bernier 5 MaximeBernier OF 1aF Ts FW U g le TN l F 10
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