Anthony Miller
Q0 1d Like Reply Its amag that you put the rainbow colors on the one character that is suicidal in the game 2
Im 1Z weeks pregnant and teel like Im way too big already My husband and experimented with my horse one drunken night around when u conceived Is it possible Im actually carrying a foal Im so scared to go to ultrasound and them make me abort if so Im pro life 100 even if it is a horse No judging especially if you live in Arkansas
Olivia Veqqie
My son is taking part in a social experiment He has to wear aZshirt for 2 weeks So far hes been verbally abused punched and spat at Itll be interesting to see what happens when he leaves the house
The northern white rhino is now functionally extinct It survived for 55 million years went through ice ages earthquakes meteor strikes Could not survive humans
Joseph Mitchell