Mark Manson
rDamnthatsinteresting 7h dit Asian style toilet in US At Arches National ETCRGEVGEL VIR
John Paul
Imagine N imagimemes If you took all your DNA straightened it out and put it end to end it would stretch to Jupiter and back 10x over You are neither small nor insignificant Youre just very well folded
Charlie Chocolate
Dean Cain RealDeanCain 4h I would have knocked that kid cold eXi ns Qo0 Jenna Guillaume JennaG 49m Superman would have punched the senator O u 912 Dean Cain RealDeanCain Replying to JennaGuillaume deborah_knight and fraser_anning No He would have allowed the freespeech but disagreed with it 820 pm 17319 Twitter for iPhone