John Paul
READ IT AND LET IT SINK IN Every relationship will get boring after youve been together for years Love isnt a feeling its a commitment to love every day physically and emotionally Its difficult its not always laughs smiles and fun People tend to quit when it stops being fun and they go look for someone else because the spark is gone No thats not how it works You want somebody to never give up on y
John Paul
Tea is an evil substance Tea is much mor dangerous then beer Please avoid drinking tea i I discovered this last night I had drunk 14 beers up until 300 am at the pub while my wife was just drinking tea at home You should have seen how angry and violent she was when I got home was peacelul silent d headed to bed as she shouted at me all pight long and even into the next morning
John Paul
t Two donkeys were walking in Jerusalem when one donkey said to the other Just yesterday was here carrying Jesus and the people were singing and shouting and throwing down their clothes for me to walk on and today they dont even recognize me The other donkey replied thats how it is my friendWithout JESUS you are nothing
John Paul