Seize the memes of production lliterate illesbian CERISETT My ADHD actually saved my life because wasnt paying attention in class when we were being spoon fed US propaganda 8112 AM 62220 Twitter for Android Johnny Allenseed Not Right Wing Extremism You traded Christopher Columbus was alright for Communism works and minor gender reassignment surgery donit think you beat propaganda Justnow Like Repl
Patricia Lee
From Redditor uzeromig In The Prince of Egypt as Moses and his people cross the parted sea 12205 you see a whale through the water However whale tails move up and down but this ones tail moved side to side Thats a Megalodon shark judging by its size
Joseph Mitchell
THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT Anonymous 041722Sun180059 No53100055 253101307 253101743 RussiansChinese make paper tiger technology and brag about it to the world Americans get scared and invest 69 squijullion dollars In hyper advanced tech 10 one up them After 4 years of RD by Lockheed the new Super Ultra Death Machine MK7 is put into mass production and begins being deployed Turns out Russi
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