Meme Lord 5000
RepublicanHypocrisy They didnt call the trillion dollar Wall St Bailouts Socialism They dont call nearly 1 TrIIon in oil gas subsidies Socialis They dont call the blons in LELT L ET VT R INENTE But health care wages food for poor people SOCIALISM Justin Kanew kanew
Meme Lord 5000
MAGALts are hateful Bigots 4 N D r l i y l Republicans are running policy free campaigns that are literally about nothing but race and culture wars AND ITS WORKING
Meme Lord 5000
LowlQanon You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common They dont alter their views to fit the facts They alter the facts to fit their views Doctor Who Face of Evil January 1977 whovian alternativefacts justsayin g0
Meme Lord 5000
Covldiots From October 18 2021 to October 24 2021 unvaccinated people were 68 times more likely to get COVID 19 than fully vaccinated people Cases per 100K 7 day running average Unvaccinated Vaccinated 80 60 40 6272021 10242021
Meme Lord 5000