robotfuc m i_fuck_r bitch you better get back to teufort someone stole the intelligence yun vynnari 2d 10 am fit
Anthony Miller
Danilo odedanilo a grieving family should not be expected to feed over 100 people GogoSifiso the seer theseerheals 1d What has been normalized in funerals that is actually wrong
Anthony Miller
92nfnf93jr92nd Owifn929fn 17m Itisnt even centered It looks fucking GGl M T N RV TR RO R ET o now 92nfnf93jr92nd Owifn 25m Fuck the Chinese man who misprinted my skull mask in 2018 fuck you s 2 7 Qe
Anthony Miller
Bonchie bonchieredstate 1d o Areminder that CA hasnt built a new reservoir since 1979 despite voters passing multiple propositions funding such projects Kevin Kiley KevinkileyCA 31723 We are releasing 20000 cubic feet per second into the ocean from Folsom because theres no place to store it
Joseph Mitchell
sunnycallme you cant make a lawful good character interesting and enjoyable teaboot They went to the same University and ate at the same caf table in total silence for four straight rears They were best friends
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