avatar Charlie Chocolate
rWhereAreAllTheGoodMen 5 yr evin32 SOV Tl T Te R el e Wy CEY RV EYVETGV G Ty o he wanted in a partner and told him loved how safe he was Because had a habit of choosing bad boys and athletes who were fun but unpredictable But now wanted someone who would be a LT RENGETAE N BNV R CE T VA o M 2 SEICLIERE DA 8

rWhereAreAllTheGoodMen 5 yr evin32 SOV Tl T Te R el e Wy CEY RV EYVETGV G Ty o he wanted in a partner and told him loved how safe he was Because had a habit of choosing bad boys and athletes who were fun but unpredictable But now wanted someone who would be a LT RENGETAE N BNV R CE T VA o M 2 SEICLIERE DA 8

avatar Zoe ZZZ
colleen Coll3enG my dad said im so glad youre not one of those kids that gets drunk and does stupid shit sir i was once so drunk i accidentally threw a party 6 hours before i was supposed to move out of my apartment and called t mobile support crying because i couldnt get everyone to leave

colleen Coll3enG my dad said im so glad youre not one of those kids that gets drunk and does stupid shit sir i was once so drunk i accidentally threw a party 6 hours before i was supposed to move out of my apartment and called t mobile support crying because i couldnt get everyone to leave

avatar Isabella Lewis
Will unmatched willdagreat_ Safe to say my office has a drinking problem

Will unmatched willdagreat_ Safe to say my office has a drinking problem

avatar Agni Gauss
Lauren _laurennewsome Today found out through Facebook that the overnight security guard at my work knits boots and mittens for premature babies at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary He also posts them worldwide MY HEART

Lauren _laurennewsome Today found out through Facebook that the overnight security guard at my work knits boots and mittens for premature babies at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary He also posts them worldwide MY HEART

avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Jacob Junior
o Vivian doctors being so bad at identifying autism is hilarious when you consider how good children are at figuring out whos autistic when theyre deciding whom to bully

o Vivian doctors being so bad at identifying autism is hilarious when you consider how good children are at figuring out whos autistic when theyre deciding whom to bully

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