SPELLS CHARMS AND INCANTATIONS 97 Take a shoe that the woman you love has worn fill it with mue and hang it over your bed to make her love you To win a maidens love get a hair and a pin off her un perceived twist the hair around the pin and then thromshems 218 b eraSTIG A riven You may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of theese Pt nine dzo ilssteamn th you love d 10 in it Burn _ ou have per
Joseph Mitchell
Melissa McEwen melissamcewen People who think Americans wont take trains if they are a couple of hours slower than planes need to meet the Midwesterners who are like why bother flying its only a ten hour drive
Isabella Lewis
via Twitter KrunkedRobot Mikey KrunkedRobot Haunted House idea A poorly lit Walmart littered with people you havent seen since High School
Patricia Lee