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Swim Jeans A ShortSleeveSuit Dont you hate it when some idiots wont even go 5 mph over the speed limit in the left lane but then when you try to pass them all of a sudden they want to go 127 mph into the sun 1157 AM 17 Dec 21 Twitter for iPhone

Swim Jeans A ShortSleeveSuit Dont you hate it when some idiots wont even go 5 mph over the speed limit in the left lane but then when you try to pass them all of a sudden they want to go 127 mph into the sun 1157 AM 17 Dec 21 Twitter for iPhone

avatar Agni Gauss
A meal fit for kings And fat asses

A meal fit for kings And fat asses

avatar Gaie Houston
Nobody Japanese game shows

Nobody Japanese game shows

avatar Mr. Habekott
1 just found out that O LETUEIER ETGIENCR T 1 4 counseling for depression LITR LR TN TV RERTC F4 Everywhere she goes theres men wearing red hats saying Ho ho ho e

1 just found out that O LETUEIER ETGIENCR T 1 4 counseling for depression LITR LR TN TV RERTC F4 Everywhere she goes theres men wearing red hats saying Ho ho ho e

avatar Wildone2
A new Vacuum Cleaner Salesman knocked at the door A lady opened it Before she could speak The salesman rushed into the living room and emptied a bag of cow dung on the carpet Salesman Madam if couldnt clean this up in the next 3 minutes with my new powerful vacuum cleaner will EAT all this Lady Do you need Chili Sauce with that Salesman Why Madam Lady Because theres no Electricity in the house

A new Vacuum Cleaner Salesman knocked at the door A lady opened it Before she could speak The salesman rushed into the living room and emptied a bag of cow dung on the carpet Salesman Madam if couldnt clean this up in the next 3 minutes with my new powerful vacuum cleaner will EAT all this Lady Do you need Chili Sauce with that Salesman Why Madam Lady Because theres no Electricity in the house

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Justin Staggs Staggfilms Do you think in a pinch Jim Henson ever used Kermit as an oven mitt

Justin Staggs Staggfilms Do you think in a pinch Jim Henson ever used Kermit as an oven mitt

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