T Gl M T AT GRERVETR GETE TR T Entered foreign soil without permission 8 Launched WMDs within 5 mins of being there Cathleen Bate A true AMERICAN Hero VIR IO VYeE T I TER VIS VN
Jeremy Jordan
Polar Nerd Polar Nerd This morning around 3am UL RICToTeleleTe o RTeTooTelelelefoloTel e Lo o Woodtdtdtd Wdtdtdtdtdtdtdt Wdtdtdtdtdtdtdtd WTF22 The Border Collies figured out that the fan makes their voices sound funny if they Wooo directly through the middle so guess what theyve all been doing since 3am 621 16 May 24 328K Views 1150 Reposts 80 Quotes 167K Likes 561 Bookmarks o u o R
John Paul
Low Voltage I always take the path of least resistance and I can not pass through anything unlessitis a conductor High Voltage
Agni Gauss
WTF fun fact 2174
Sophia Rich
WIF fun tacr 12 In 1881 a landlord was sued for evicting a tenant who had spilled a fin of the noxious smelling fish surstromming in the property Upon being told he didnt have a case to do o the landlord simply opened a fin of surstromming in the courtroom The judge quickly changed his mind
Sophia Rich
20 EGELEN QN ET N olole YRV e IV Te RolVET hundreds of thousands of years so u can sit at a desk in a sterile cubicle and look at fake lights in a box and pretend u dont want to Kurself and if u cant focus on doing that for 9 hours a day 5 days a week thats a el KeSoliollg
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