avatar jojo9
T T IVaskifora smgle strand of your goldgq halr From my head right

T T IVaskifora smgle strand of your goldgq halr From my head right

avatar Rogue Scholar
hfT Gr O lf WwiTh uT IlHer FiRsT JC t Mm o mn g emes

hfT Gr O lf WwiTh uT IlHer FiRsT JC t Mm o mn g emes

avatar lee denure
THE 12 FUCKING STEPS Step 1 Im fucked Step 2 There might be a way out o this fucking mess Step 3 Decide to level the fuck up Step 4 Take a good hard look at how fucked up am Step 5 Tel someone else about all the fucked up stuff ve been through Step 6 Prepare to stop being such a fuck up Step 7 Try to stop acting so fucked up Step 8 Make a ist of everyone fucked over Step 9 Swallow my fucking pode

THE 12 FUCKING STEPS Step 1 Im fucked Step 2 There might be a way out o this fucking mess Step 3 Decide to level the fuck up Step 4 Take a good hard look at how fucked up am Step 5 Tel someone else about all the fucked up stuff ve been through Step 6 Prepare to stop being such a fuck up Step 7 Try to stop acting so fucked up Step 8 Make a ist of everyone fucked over Step 9 Swallow my fucking pode

avatar jojo9
Finally a piggy bank the size of my savings A

Finally a piggy bank the size of my savings A

avatar Joseph Mitchell
hate when el gt eToTe TA 21 E3 me l used to have acrush onyou What the fuck am KTo o ToX TTe B Lo Yo o with an expired crush

hate when el gt eToTe TA 21 E3 me l used to have acrush onyou What the fuck am KTo o ToX TTe B Lo Yo o with an expired crush

avatar John Paul
We need to quit looking for intelligent life on Mars and look to see if there is any intelligent life in Washington DC

We need to quit looking for intelligent life on Mars and look to see if there is any intelligent life in Washington DC

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