Rafael Irizarry RIEIEED Vaccines work in a gif update COVID19 cases versus vaccination rates in US states through time The Delta variant effect can be SR CET VRS Elatla e R INIVY2 States with lower vaccination EICSEICE T e Rlielg WOrse
Patricia Lee
J Conservatives Posting Their Ls ConsPostinglLs Oregon senator who walked out to prevent vote on climate bill loses home in wildfire Sen Fred Girod walks through the remains of his home near Mill City Oregon on Sept 13 2020 Mill City Gates and other towns along the Santiam River were all but destroyed by the Beachie Creek Fire and residents were forced to evacuate This was my forever home Girod sa
Jacob Junior
Joseph Mitchell
Ashton Pittman ES g GlgleliinEl 3 TSI RIS o o IR AT E VAo 1 average is 1120 higher IQELRAVEERATI N ETeY2 Reeves sent the tweet below He was mocking Biden for accusing him of neanderthal thinking re ending all mask requirements 7 Day Case Avg then 194 Day Case Avg now 2366 Everyone Losing Tate Reeves tatereeves 12 Apr Neanderthals 1 Biden VISR o o Ae VA Yo g Yo o o o1Tel below 200 cases 1944 for th
Mark Manson
PatBagley NE Patbagley FoxNews and the RW bubble outraged that Obama celebrated 60th birthday with vaccinated friends Dont know what outrages them the mostthe vaccination or that a black man made it to 60 825 AM 8921 Twitter for iPad 22 Retweets 5 Quote Tweets 149 Likes n
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