avatar Sophia Rich
teacher your essay must start with an attention grabber me so im sitting there barbecue sauce on my titties

teacher your essay must start with an attention grabber me so im sitting there barbecue sauce on my titties

avatar ROFL
Люблю пельмени Нальёшь воды в кастрюльку вскипятишь туда для вкуса соли зелени лавровый лист А если деньги есть то ещё и пельмени

Люблю пельмени Нальёшь воды в кастрюльку вскипятишь туда для вкуса соли зелени лавровый лист А если деньги есть то ещё и пельмени

avatar John Paul
R xjessr ATTENTION ALL GIRLS Being a ride or die means staying by a mans side whether he has 500 or 5 Not when he cheats 10 times and you stay kchaparritadejalisco Say it louder for the bitches who are dumber Source xjessr 49007 notes 0 QO

R xjessr ATTENTION ALL GIRLS Being a ride or die means staying by a mans side whether he has 500 or 5 Not when he cheats 10 times and you stay kchaparritadejalisco Say it louder for the bitches who are dumber Source xjessr 49007 notes 0 QO

avatar jojo9
OMGFacts OMGFacts 1d The barnacle has the largest penis in the animal kingdom when compared with its size Qs 27 Q 132 Danny DeVito DannyDeVito Replying to OMGFacts Please stop calling me The Barnacle

OMGFacts OMGFacts 1d The barnacle has the largest penis in the animal kingdom when compared with its size Qs 27 Q 132 Danny DeVito DannyDeVito Replying to OMGFacts Please stop calling me The Barnacle

avatar Charlie Chocolate
TARIFFS ARE ONLY STUPID AND DESTRUCTIVE WHEN AMERICA IMPOSES THEM Jon Lech Johansen X jonlech Follow Amusing to read the coverage of Trumps sky high tariffs in Norwegian news Heres just a few of Norways import tariffs Cheese 277 Beef 344 Lamb 429 Milk 443 Potatoes 191 Beets 158 Roses 249 Bakers yeast 21 Casein based glue 212 Womens tops 107 808 PM Feb 1 2025 0

TARIFFS ARE ONLY STUPID AND DESTRUCTIVE WHEN AMERICA IMPOSES THEM Jon Lech Johansen X jonlech Follow Amusing to read the coverage of Trumps sky high tariffs in Norwegian news Heres just a few of Norways import tariffs Cheese 277 Beef 344 Lamb 429 Milk 443 Potatoes 191 Beets 158 Roses 249 Bakers yeast 21 Casein based glue 212 Womens tops 107 808 PM Feb 1 2025 0

avatar Jeremy Jordan
cat V catstewartt Ma hamster has to lose its eye n John sent me this Her eye is fully shut now I think she wont be able to use that SCELED

cat V catstewartt Ma hamster has to lose its eye n John sent me this Her eye is fully shut now I think she wont be able to use that SCELED

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